Saturday, November 06, 2010

YOU can honor our Founders TODAY!

Three years ago, the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation premiered its first Founders' Day e-mail campaign to commemorate the Founders of Phi Sigma Sigma by raising funds to advance the values they gave us through the creation of Phi Sigma Sigma; the advancement of womanhood and our twin ideals - the brotherhood of man and alleviation of the world's pain.

Funds raised this year will be dedicated to educational grants for deserving sisters in need, leadership programming for our emerging leaders and help for those with kidney disease.

We can't wait to add your name to your chapter's honor roll as we commemorate the work of our Founders and the lasting legacy they gave to all of us. 

Thank you for choosing to give your gift now.  You can donate by visiting

Thursday, November 04, 2010

We Have Found Your Place In Phi Sig history

Dear Sisters,

Every November 26, our sisters celebrate Founders' Day, a commemoration of the birth of Phi Sigma Sigma in 1913. While that reminds us of women like Fay Chertkoff, Lillian Gordon Alpern, and Estelle Melnick Cole, there's another name that belongs right alongside theirs ...
             ... yours.

            Because in a very real sense, alumnae are "founders" our future. And the Foundation is where we express the vision and values of our sisterhood that go beyond mere friendship. Through the Foundation, we provide meaningful support for lifelong learning, education and scholarship, service, leadership, philanthropy.

            As a founder of tomorrow, you forever change who we are.

            Your place in history, though perhaps it may be less well known, is certainly no less important than that of Fay or Lillian or Estelle.

            Please let us know you're still committed to advancing womanhood and our Twin Ideals. Accept a place of honor alongside donors to the 2010 Founders' Day campaign. As you may know, gifts to this annual effort are tax-deductible and pay for educational and leadership development impacting collegiate and alumnae sisters across the U.S. and Canada. 

            Last year, many  alumnae took part with gifts of $19.13 to $1,913 - and everywhere in between. Your contribution is tax-deductible.
            As we walk the road to Phi Sigma Sigma's 2013 Centennial, let us embrace our role as founders of the future. And with loyalty, generosity, and friendship, let's provide more  sisters with every opportunity for personal growth, intellectual development, and selfless giving along the way.

Katie Herschede
Foundation President 

P.S.    On November 26, 1913, Phi Sigma Sigma became the first nonsectarian sorority, the only one founded upon the principle of diverse membership based on a woman's character, not her background. Thank you for joining me today in generous support of this cherished legacy with your gift to the 2010 Founders' Day Campaign!

                     Click here to join the Founder's Day Campaign