Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Celebrate Founders' Day by Serving Others

Nearly 100 years ago, ten women with extreme foresight came together in friendship and inclusiveness to create a new sorority - Phi Sigma Sigma. Each November, thousands of collegiate and alumnae sisters from across North America come together to honor our Founders on Founders' Day - November 26.

There is no better way to celebrate the founding of our sisterhood than to serve others and demonstrate our core value of "servant leadership." This year, in celebration of our 93rd year of sisterhood, the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation invites you to serve others as a way to commemorate and remember the selfless giving of our Founders. During the month of November, join together with your Phi Sigma Sigma sisters to serve your community. You can increase the impact of your project by inviting other alumnae and collegiate chapters and sisters in your area, to join you in your philanthropic efforts.

If you are looking for ideas on what to do for Founders' Day, please email foundation@phisigmasigma.org. Don't forget to tell us about your success and send us your pictures !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone! I'm Jenna from the Beta Pi chapter at Queens College in New York. My chapter celebrated Founders' Day by making Thanksgiving dinner together. Everyone made some kind of food that would normally be found at Thanksgiving dinner and we all sat around talking about what we are thankful for while we ate. We also wrote letters to each sister why we are specifically thankful for them. We concluded the afternoon with the Sphinx Ceremony. It was a lot of fun!