Sunday, December 10, 2006

Founders' Day Service Events Elicit a Great Response from Alumnae and Collegiate Chapters!

Thank you to all of the alumnae and collegiate chapters who answered the Foundation's call to serve others as a way to honor our founding. Stories have poured in telling us about the great work our chapters did in November.

Samantha from our Zeta Zeta chapter at Quinnipiac University wrote to tell us about how her chapter not only honored our founders but also their sister Katie, who touched everyone she met through her brave battle with leukemia. Samantha wrote:

As you know our chapter here at Quinnipiac University lost a very special sister to leukemia last October. While Katie was in the hospital she received a "Hugs and Kisses" fleece blanket from the nurses for comfort. The nurses give out one blanket a week and it meant so much to Katie when she received the blanket one week. When our chapter heard about this and the fact that the hospital relies on donations to keep the blankets in stock we made in one of our missions to be sure there was always a blanket for the next child who came through. This year for Founders' Day we invited the Phi Sigma Sigma chapter from Central Connecticut State University and the new Colony at the University of New Haven to join us in making some blankets. The ladies from all three chapters got together last Saturday afternoon for an hour of pizza and socializing before we dove into making the blankets. We put together eight blankets during this time which we were very excited about. The blankets will be delivered to the hospital in the next week so that children coming into the oncology wing will have some comfort even as they are far from home during the holidays.

We also heard from Brittany, a sister from our Delta Psi chapter at the University of West Florida. Brittany wrote to tell us:
To celebrate our founders this year, a local alumnae chapter and our chapter got together and made dinner at the Ronald McDonald house. By doing this we brought a little ease to the parents that have been there taking care of their sick children during the Thanksgiving holiday.

Thank you to both Samantha and Brittany for your touching stories of service. It is especially wonderful that these chapters reached out to both local collegiate and alumnae chapters to strengthen both their service and their sisterhood.

Want to share what your chapter is doing? Post a comment now! Do you have pictures to share? Email the Foundation at!

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