Welcome to our new officers and directors!
The Foundation is proud to announce new corporate officers and directors whose terms are effectively immediately. New officers and directors are elected to two year terms. Click here to learn more...
The Foundation is proud to announce new corporate officers and directors whose terms are effectively immediately. New officers and directors are elected to two year terms. Click here to learn more...
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Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation
It's that time again... in college campuses all over, students have moved in, classes have started and our chapters are preparing for fall recruitment! The Foundation wishes you all the best during this hectic time and to make your lives a little easier, we've developed some "Keys for Success" when planning your philanthropic recruitment event.
First and foremost: The key to a successful philanthropic recruitment event is in the planning. Log in to Phi Sigma Sigma to read our tips.
The Most Important Tip
Relax, smile and have fun!!!
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Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation
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Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation
The Foundation board of directors would like to congratulate this year's selection of scholarship and educational grant winners. Foundation is deeply devoted to furthering the ideals of the Fraternity, making an impact with the National Kidney Foundation and helping chapters achieve their philanthropic goals. But, our favorite job each year is having the opportunity to support our sisters' educational needs through the gifts of scholarships and educational grants.
Congratulations to you all!
Named Scholarships
May be established by an individual or a chapter. Often, these scholarships are created in memory of a sister or loved one. Chapters may also choose to establish a scholarship to benefit a deserving chapter sister. This year’s winners are:
Markowitz Book Award
The Markowitz Book Award was originally established by Past Grand Archon Clarisse Harrison Markowitz in memory of her husband, Arthur Markowitz. In 1994, the award became the Arthur and Clarisse Markowitz Book Award to honor both Clarisse and Arthur Markowitz. All sisters of Phi Sigma Sigma attending, or who will be attending, an accredited law school in the fall are eligible for this scholarship, which is awarded largely on the basis of contribution to sorority and community.
Alicia Yass, Kappa Chapter
Michelle Stacey Friedman Memorial Scholarship
Established in memory of a Michelle, a founding sister of the Epsilon Theta Chapter at Montclair State (NJ), who had an unyielding love for her sorority, sisters and Greek life. The Michelle Stacey Friedman Scholarship was funded by her friends, sisters and family, and is presented to the sister who has shown exemplary service and leadership in Phi Sigma Sigma, on her campus, and in the community.
Jessica Minacapelli, Gamma Psi Chapter
Neddie Iniquez Memorial Scholarship
To honor their sister Nereyda, the sisters of the Theta Upsilon Chapter at the University of La Verne have raised funds to establish this memorial scholarship.
Jennifer Holt, Gamma Psi Chapter
Past Grand Archons' Scholarship
Established upon Past Grand Archon's Judith Howard Distler's retirement from Supreme Council, this scholarship is awarded to juniors, seniors and post-graduate degree candidates and is based on continuing leadership and devotion to Phi Sigma Sigma. Recipients are recognized for exemplifying the ideals associated with our Past Grand Archons.
Kimberly Kiggins, Epsilon Rho Chapter
Sunshine State Scholarship
Funded by the South Florida Alumnae Chapter of Phi Sigma Sigma, the scholarship supports a Phi Sigma Sigma attending school in the state of Florida. This is the first Foundation scholarship endowed by an alumnae chapter.
Brianna Ortiz, Iota Theta Chapter
Veachey R. Bloom Book Award
Established by Past Grand Archon Veachey R. Bloom, this award is presented to a Phi Sigma Sigma pursuing a degree in business or a related field with preference given to Human Resources majors. The award is based on service to the community and campus, service to sorority and Greek life.
Kelly Hall, Theta Psi Chapter
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Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation
As I was packing for Convention this year, I got to thinking about the way that Phi Sigma Sigma has been there for me throughout my life... when I needed to connect with people in college, Phi Sig was there. When I moved to a new city after grad school and needed to make friends, Phi Sig was there. In fact, as I look over my past, Phi Sig has been an important part of almost half my life. And now, as my perspective on life has changed - as I have a new little legacy to fill my days (and nights - let us not forget those) with joy, I'm really happy that Phi Sigma Sigma will continue to be there for me... because it will also be there for Chloe.
They say that the alumnae years are the giving years and maybe that's true, but in the warmth of my sisters' love, I realize that I'm getting quite a lot, too. We, on the Foundation board, hope that all of you take a moment this weekend - whether you are here or not - to reflect on the strength and wonder of this amazing sisterhood.
With love,
Heather Kelley
Foundation Secretary
P.S. from Chloe
I couldn't help but notice the large package of baby goodies in the Foundation auction this year. Lamaze toys. Lots of them. Mommy better plan accordingly or there will be fussing. Bid high, Mommy. Bid high.
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Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation
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Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation
We received this wonderful email from our friends at the National Kidney Foundation. We hope you will take a few minutes this month to reflect on our sisterhood and our amazing philanthropic efforts with the National Kidney Foundation and Kidney Foundation of Canada! Happy Kidney Month!
Happy National Kidney Month! This March, the National Kidney Foundation urges Americans to get to know two humble, hardworking organs: the kidneys. To help raise awareness and appreciation for all the vital functions the kidneys perform, the National Kidney Foundation is encouraging Americans to learn more and take steps now to preserve kidney health. March 12th is World Kidney Day, the perfect time to get to know your kidneys and find out if you're at risk.
How does one celebrate World Kidney Day? Get a free screening, participate in a local event or visit our special Web page for more information. And when you take the Kidney Quiz in March you’ll be eligible to win a copy of the new book Resilience by NBA Champion, Olympic basketball gold medalist and kidney transplant recipient, Alonzo Mourning.
You can also send personalized World Kidney Day E-Cards to friends, family, doctors and nurses. Why wait until loved ones get sick to send a card wishing them well? Our customizable e-cards offer life-saving prevention messages as well as the opportunity to thank health care providers for doing their best all year round.
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Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation
Congratulations to our Epsilon Xi chapter at SUNY Oneonta for making headlines with their wonderful service endeavors. The chapter raised $17,000 through developing a Kidney Walk. Read more about their efforts here:
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Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation
I wanted to take the opportunity to wish each of you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2009! I am proud to serve as the Foundation President and work with each of you to continue the legacy of service that runs through the core of Phi Sigma Sigma. Each New Year, I find myself increasing reflective. I wanted to share with you a quote from the installation speech I gave recently at Adelphi University, our Epsilon chapter. For me, these words represent the importance of the Foundation mission and remind me of why I choose to serve.
"Today, the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation is proud to be stewards of our Founders legacy of compassion. We encourage each of you to follow in the foot steps of those who have come before you, and walk beside those who are with you today, to become a woman of compassion. We encourage you to seek out opportunities to offer hope to those who feel hopeless, to seek justice for those whose voices cannot be heard, and to remain true to our organizational core values of leadership through service, lifelong learning and inclusiveness. We trust that today, you will begin your journey to become a woman of courage, compassion and conviction."
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Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation
Congratulations to our Theta Sigma chapter at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth who were recently featured in a South Coast Today article touting their philanthropic efforts. The sisters were noted for serving dinner to over 600 seniors and then dancing the night away with them. This was a wonderful collaborative effort with a fellow NPC sorority. To read more about their efforts, visit this site: http://www.southcoasttoday.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20081226/NEWS/812260327/-1/NEWS
Do you have good news that you want to share with us? If so, email us at foundation@phisigmasigma.org!
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Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation