Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Frequently Asked Question: Where will the 2012 Transplant Games be located?

QUICK ANSWER TO A COMMON QUESTION we're getting about future sites of the U.S. Transplant Games:

The Foundation has sponsored the Games in Louisville (2006), Pittsburgh (2008) and now Madison (2010).... So where are the next Games scheduled to be in 2012?

We contacted the NKF's public relations people, and they told us today that the final location has not yet been decided. Most likely, when it's announced, you'll see it on the Transplant Games' Facebook fan page. So if you're interested in keeping track, sign up - because that's one of the first places you'll see the information posted.

Otherwise, check back here.... We'll update sisters as soon as we have information to share.

1 comment:


I cannot wait to hear.