Sunday, July 13, 2008

Homeward Bound Q&A with E-rock and the EZ girls

(As dictated by Erika Hess to Lisa Romero from a cell phone):

I'm driving home now, just approaching Somerset. The two collegians I drove out here crashed out asleep in my car within 5 minutes of starting this 5-hour trek across the state. Lisa took pity on me, knowing it will be a lonely 5 hours, and called for my phoned-in blog entry.

(Note from Lisa: Erika, whose nickname is "E-rock," is driving safely!)

I'm listening to Outkast, "Heyya!" ...... Whoa, THAT woke 'em up! (laughter, unintelligible noises). Ashley from the back seat says, "Heelllllo Chris!" (Ashley truly admires Chris Klug.)

(Erika asking the collegians a question:) "What did you think of your time there?"
Answer: "Humid but faaaaantasic!" This weekend, they really wished their Epsilon Zeta sisters could have been with them to witness the impact of Phi Sig in the real world.

Safe travels to EZ - and all the sisters on their way home!

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